Analytics Assessment Roadmap
The largest pediatric provider in its region, with a hospital, several clinics, an affiliated pediatric research institution, and a philanthropic foundation spread across over 20 facilities, is at the forefront of pediatric care and supporting technologies.
Structural changes, including the movement of analytics under IT, prompted leadership to consider an analytics assessment and roadmap refresh in support of the organization’s strategic vision and goals. Their objectives included:
- Enhancing alignment among hospital departments regarding analytics
- Optimizing analytics resources and competencies
- Streamlining data governance processes
- Developing an 18-month roadmap to optimize analytics processes and capabilities
To address these areas, organization leadership enlisted Impact Advisors to perform a comprehensive data and analytics program assessment.
Analytics Maturity Assessment Approach
Multi-dimensional analysis is required to fully understand an organization’s analytics maturity and associated capabilities. Impact Advisors’ assessment approach visually maps each dimensional capability against years of benchmarking data and insights from our client’s appropriate peer group (e.g., academic medical center with similar revenue).
First, we assessed the current level of analytics maturity from a people and technology standpoint. This included a comprehensive review of existing analytics and technology documentation, interviews with key stakeholders, and assessment of resource capabilities and competency. We also evaluated the breadth and depth of deployed analytics solutions, using a combination of Impact Advisors clients and vendor-provided benchmarks (for Epic solutions) as points of comparison.
From a process perspective, we assessed data governance, data management, demand management, data literacy offerings, etc., confirmed pain points, and compared the organization’s processes to industry-leading practices to identify opportunities to progress analytics maturity.
Last, we collaborated with leadership to define value across the business domains and prioritize a series of tactical steps to transform each area.
The final report was presented to leadership and the next phase of work has begun— preparing the detailed roadmap and implementation plan, and implementing a Data Literacy Program, Data Governance Operating Model, and a data architecture to support the ecosystem.
Additional Analytics Best Practice Considerations
To help meet the organization’s aim to improve data-driven decision-making throughout the enterprise, Impact Advisors recommended a multi-tiered Data Governance Operating Model. The model is designed to align the organization’s data strategy with its overall strategic priorities and to unify various data-centric areas (e.g., clinical, research, finance, etc.) into a cohesive framework, promoting consistency and scalability in analytics delivery throughout the organization.
A recommendation to develop a comprehensive Data Literacy Program was also included. This program is to be championed by senior leaders, with robust offerings at the enterprise level and educational pathways tailored for roles with varying data needs. ■
Impact Advisors’ Analytics Maturity Model
Impact Advisors’ Analytics Maturity Model displays how an organization is performing on six critical dimensions of analytics capability, benchmarking self-ratings against Impact Advisors’ client community. The model indicates where opportunities for maturity progression exist and provides a metric for tracking improvement over time.
Along with the plotted visual map of analytics maturity, we provide a detailed summary of opportunities across 4 key themes: Data Governance & Management, Organizational Culture and Resources, Data Literacy, and Tools & Technology. Our summary includes industry best practices and immediate next steps to begin addressing each opportunity. The information is structured so that it can easily be used to form a more detailed roadmap and implementation plan.

“Impact Advisors knocked it out of the park with the Analytics Assessment & Roadmap Development. The results have resonated with our leaders, and they have approved for the project to move to the next phase.”