Diversity & Inclusion Committee Update

Diversity & Inclusion Committee Update

Join the fun with our Diversity and Inclusion Committee at Impact Advisors!

Diversity and inclusion

Latest Updates & Initiatives from the Diversity & Inclusion Committee

At Impact Advisors, we are all about embracing diversity, celebrating uniqueness, and creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. Be a part of the movement, and let’s make a positive impact together!

Here’s what’s happening in the world of D&I:

Month Communications & Activities
February Papia Roy contributed an article about Saraswati Puja.
March Amy Reid highlighted International Women’s Day with a feature article.
April Chris Wilson and Liz Sopel discussed their experiences and highlighted ways to get involved during National Volunteer Month.
May World Day for Cultural Diversity
June Celebrating Juneteenth
July Celebrating International Non-Binary People's Day
July Hosting Let’s Get Cookin’ Event
July Implementing new D&I Orientation and Training program designed to educate and empower our Winners on the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.
August Celebrating International Day of World’s Indigenous People
September Celebrating International Day of Peace
October Celebrating World Mental Health Day
October Hosting Let’s Get Cookin’ Event
November Celebrating our Veterans
December Celebrating International Human Rights Day

Other Happenings

  • We completed the D&I application process and welcomed new committee members (meet them below) to further enhance our commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion within Impact Advisors.
  • Our team members participated in several volunteering opportunities, making a positive impact in our local communities.
  • We’re excited to launch a series of lunch-and-learn sessions, covering topics such as unconscious bias, cultural competence, and allyship.
  • We are developing a fresh, creative logo that captures the essence of diversity and inclusion at Impact Advisors.
  • Keep an eye out for a segment in our monthly newsletter and Town Hall calls related to diversity and inclusion topics.

Introducing Our D&I Committee Members:

Charmydevine Beane e1623767465825 300x300 1
“Diversity and inclusion is about creating an environment at Impact Advisors where Winners from different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives are valued, respected, and supported so they can contribute their unique skills and experiences to achieve common goals.”
Charmydevine Beane
Amy Reid (1)
“I have always believed that diverse perspectives lead to better decision-making. Ensuring that every perspective is considered, and every person is offered equal opportunities is essential for building stronger communities. For me, this stems from a deeply rooted commitment to fairness, equality, and creating positive change.”
Amy Reid
Merallie IA
“Diversity is a vibrant symphony composed of countless instruments. Each culture, background, and experience add a unique melody, enriching the overall sound.”
Merallie Vargas
Mike C
“D&I is important to promoting empathy; empathy is the foundation of making a positive impact.”
Mike Costa
Colleen Toole
“Diversity & Inclusion is important to me because fostering a workplace culture where everyone feels welcome, supported, and understood is the kind of place I want to be. As I expect many other Winners and future Winners do!”
Colleen Toole
Liz S
“I believe strongly in the strength of community; it allows us to connect, engage, and grow together. D&I aims to make everyone feel comfortable, supported, and heard which fosters unity and builds our connections with each other.”
Liz Sopel
Yvonne Cheng
“Diversity and inclusion to me means broadening the types of voices & perspectives in our conversations and gaining a better understanding of our different backgrounds. It celebrates our differences as strengths and helps us bring more ideas to the table.”
Yvonne Cheng
Lisa Jansen King
“An openness and willingness to understand other points of view, skills and talents regardless of background, be it race, ethnicity, religion or non-religion, political affiliation, and sexual orientation, it’s about being an advocate for the underrepresented so that everyone is comfortable bringing their best self to the table which, in turn, brings the best talent and solutions to our clients.”
Lisa Jansen King
Renee Kalejs
“For me, Diversity and Inclusion means respecting and embracing each other’s differences. I love to see the excitement when our Winners share their cultures and traditions.”
Renee Kalej
“I truly believe that our differences add value. Our unique strengths help us to evolve and promote optimum delivery of our services when we engage diversity and inclusion.”
Karen Green

Other D&I Committee Members: Pete Smith, Andy Smith, Mike Cowan, and Diana Alberts

How You Can Get Involved!

Your feedback matters

Share your ideas, feedback, and suggestions.

volunteer hands

Volunteer for upcoming events, workshops, and initiatives.

We All Have A Story

Share your stories and experiences related to diversity and inclusion in our organization.

Make an impact

Participate in upcoming D&I sponsored events.

Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to get involved!


